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Self-Empowerment Coaching

Discover yourself and define your destiny.

| Compassion & curiosity.

| Relatable stories.

| Challenging questions.

| No generic advice.

If you're feeling stuck in your career, struggling to start your own business or looking for support with an existing one...

I see you and I hear you.

I've been there. I've felt lost and depressed, floating between meaningless jobs. I've doubted my ability to launch a startup. I've dealt with economic challenges, limited resources and countless rejections which threatened my business' survival - as well as my mental health.

Trying to juggle too many things at once led me to exhaustion and what many describe as 'burnout', where I hit a wall and risked losing all of the great momentum I built. But by cultivating resilience, I not only survived, but thrived in the face of adversity. The thing is, I never did it alone.

And that's why I'm here.

Calling all young professionals, entrepreneurs, freelancers and seekers. 

Today is the turning point in your journey as you redefine your path and create a life that fills you with pride, purpose and peace.


But here's the secret: it doesn't have to come at the expense of your mental health.


"This has been really high-yield. I'm really empowered."

Carl Eiselen, Doctor at Royal Melbourne Hospital

(This session was in preparation for Carl's Ophthalmology interview... which he successfully passed!)

You have deep reservoirs of talent within you.

And you know that you're meant for more. You've climbed your way up the ladder to success. And yet, there's a fire within you that yearns for more.


More freedom, more abundance, more impact. You crave a life that transcends the ordinary, where your wildest dreams become a reality.


It's not just about achieving your version of success; it's about pushing the boundaries of what's possible and proving to yourself that you can do it.


Whether it's launching your own empire, revolutionising your industry with groundbreaking ideas, or finally stepping into your true calling, that burning passion inside you cannot be snuffed out.


Even when you feel incredibly exhausted, there's a flicker of resilience that keeps you going. You refuse to settle for anything less than what you truly deserve.

Now just wait a minute.

There's no honour in sacrificing your wellbeing on the journey to success. 

Here's the truth: Your worth goes far beyond how many hours you grind or coffees you consume. It's about finding a delicate integration between your life and work, without compromising how you feel.

See to me, success isn't a destination. It's a journey. A journey that you savour, nurturing yourself along the way, embracing self-care and creating a sustainable foundation for long-term growth.

You deserve a life that is rich in both accomplishments and inner peace.

✨ Hear from Grace ✨

"David's mentorship has instilled a lot of faith and trust in myself... my self-confidence has improved and I'm doing more things out of my comfort zone than before."

Let me help you cultivate a mindset of growth, resilience and self-care that fuels your spirit and helps you find deep meaning in the work you do. 

We'll be a great fit if you want to

Break free from self-doubt and limitations

instead of telling yourself the same old stories.

Put an end to cookie-cutter advice

instead of rewatching the same motivational videos.

Get asked challenging questions

instead of being told what to do.

Live your purpose and passion

instead of succumbing to other people's expectations.

Embrace your voice and stand out in a crowd

instead of thinking that it's not for you.

Be of great service to others

instead of purely serving yourself.

Love yourself

instead of pursuing goals at the expense of your wellbeing. 

Howdy, I'm

For the past 5 years, I've worked with inspiring professionals and entrepreneurs around the world, as a coach for the Melbourne Accelerator Program and La Trobe Innovation & Entrepreneurship as well as with impactful organisations such as Meta, AstraZeneca, Lifeline and the Australia & New Zealand Mental Health Association.

My programs in peer-to-peer mentorship and social impact have helped thousands of people feel less alone, more confident dealing with their problems and more optimistic about the future, for which I've been honoured with multiple awards from organisations like The University of Melbourne and 7News Young Achievers.

If you're looking for a silver bullet, you've come to the wrong place.

I don't claim to have all the answers, nor will I ever impose my own agenda on you. I'm not here to force you down a prescribed path or make decisions for you. Instead, I respect you as an individual, listen with empathy and support you in discovering your own unique journey.


I believe in empowering you to make your own choices and arrive at the best solution that aligns with your values and aspirations. My approach is grounded in peer support and lived experience.

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For me, great coaching isn't about feeding you answers, amping you up or pushing you into some predefined mould.


Sharing experiences, walking alongside you and creating a safe space for your own self-exploration, growth and fulfillment.

That's coaching.


"I have genuinely enjoyed my time working with David. His gentle yet powerful approach to leadership was so refreshing; it has made me learn and embody the importance of empathy, compassion, influence, and work responsibility, which I believe are valuable skills to have not only in the workplace but also in life."

Vivilien Ondoy

Founder of Thriftinity

Picture this...

You wake up in the morning with a clear sense of purpose, excited for what the day holds.


You feel immense pride and love for yourself, knowing you're free from the old beliefs that previously held you back.


You radiate confidence and self-assurance whenever you speak.


You become a force to be reckoned with in your career – assertive, influential, and respected.


You effortlessly create strong and meaningful relationships with the people in your life.


You tackle challenges head-on, swiftly identifying solutions and turning them into opportunities for growth.


You feel great bliss, joy and fulfilment in your work and life.


You approach your daily tasks with curiosity and clear intention.

This is the future you deserve, where every day is filled with purpose and ease.
It's time to unleash your potential and embrace the incredible journey ahead.

Your 2-Hour Spark ✨

$600 for 2 hours

IMPACT questionnaire and framework

PERSONALISED game-plan with next steps

Feeling a bit stuck in a specific part of your journey? Ready to take that leap from good to great?


Let's keep it simple with just a two-hour chat. Let’s dive into your thoughts and challenges, clear up any confusion, bid farewell to overwhelm, and craft a solid, step-by-step plan together.


To ensure our time together is super focused and tailored to your needs, I'll ask you to complete a brief questionnaire. This isn't just about gathering information; it's about maximizing the impact of our session.


The questions will prompt you to reflect on your goals, challenges, and what you're hoping to achieve. This way, when we connect, we can hit the ground running and make every minute count. Your input helps me fine-tune our discussion, ensuring we address exactly what matters most to you. 


Whether you're looking for support with relationships, business or life in general, sometimes a non-judgemental conversation is all it takes to get clarity and make that remarkable shift.


Let’s connect and make those two hours count!

Smiling Woman with Glasses
Happy Man

Your 90-Day Breakthrough 🚀

$3000 upfront
or 3 x $1200 monthly

WEEKLY private coaching video calls (60 minutes each)
WEEKLY email or encrypted instant messaging checkups

Do you feel like certain limitations or beliefs about yourself are holding you back? Would you like to transform one specific area of your life from stagnant to flourishing?


Through peer support and self-empowerment techniques, you'll be asked thought-provoking questions which help you uncover your own best solution and inspire massive action.


Over the course of these 12 sessions, we'll identify and overcome limiting beliefs, align your values and purpose, set meaningful goals and establish a clear game plan so you can move forward with confidence & clarity.

Your 6-Month Transformation 🌟

$6000 upfront
or 6 x $1200 monthly

WEEKLY private coaching video calls (60 minutes each)
WEEKLY email or encrypted instant messaging checkups
DAILY progress tracking using an online project board

Maybe you feel a bit stuck in your career, lacking purpose and direction. Maybe you're already killing it. Either way, you're on a mission for growth and serious about levelling up.


For the next 6 months, we'll meet weekly for sessions focused on values, self-care, mindfulness, aspirations and building unbreakable discipline so you can transform your thoughts of success into reality.


We'll use a collaborative project board so you can visually keep track of all your growth work, clearly follow your progress and maintain fierce accountability.


Get ready to knock down your self-limiting barriers and see yourself in a whole new light, stepping into a future with limitless possibilities for fulfilment.

Happy Smile

Your 12-Month Mastery 🦸

$12,000 upfront
or 12 x $1200 monthly

WEEKLY private coaching video calls (60 minutes each)
WEEKLY email or encrypted instant messaging checkups
DAILY progress tracking using an online project board
AD-HOC focus calls (15 minutes each)

Welcome to your life-changing journey of self-discovery and personal mastery. This is the deepest, most comprehensive program you can take advantage of to awaken and create a life you absolutely love living.


Through personalised coaching, mentorship and powerful modalities like subconscious programming and mindfulness, we'll dive deep into understanding your long-term goals and create a step-by-step roadmap for success.


This program is NOT for those who avoid discomfort, shy away from challenges or who aren't willing to invest quality time and energy into the work required for personal growth.


This program IS for those who are sick and tired of being sick and tired, who have the courage to attack old, toxic stories about themselves and step into their power.


In addition to daily progress tracking, you'll get access to 15 minute focus calls that you can make whenever you want to celebrate wins, get stuff off your chest and plan next steps.


This might be the most worthwhile investment you make in yourself because it offers you the longest term accountability and ongoing support to stay on track towards your aspirations.

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